I'm still getting things set up at Beach Walk Art, and because of the sometimes fragile nature of driftwood, and the size of the pieces, and the expense in setting up to ship them, I am working on additional projects that won't make it to Etsy for a while. For these you can contact me individually, or come to one of my shows. (The next will be on 5/11, the Homespun Market at the St. Joseph County Fairgrounds - more info at: https://www.beachwalkart.com/blog/categories/events-for-beach-walk-art)

Curious Bird is a driftwood sculpture I've put together from 3 pieces of driftwood I found on the Great Lakes shores (either Lake Michigan or Huron). He is connected with dowel rod in one spot, and with rod connecting him to the base. He is lightly polished with a natural beeswax and orange oil polish. I've included more pictures below with him, and one that includes 'Curious Dog' who stepped into my pictures to investigate.
This bird, like the other driftwood art I've done, the driftwood is in the shape I found it in. So all three pieces are (other than the polish) driftwood as nature presented it. He is 17 1/2 inches tall and available for $69.
